Featured collection

Displaying featured collections as a seperate section, focuses a customer’s attention to a specific group of products within a chosen collection, encouraging more of an in-depth review of a specific range of products. If you are running a seasonal promotion, or need to raise awareness for any other reason for a specific group of products, this section can be very beneficial.

Getting Started

  • Go to Online storeThemeCustomise

  • By default, you will see you predefined list of sections

  • To add the Featured collection section, scroll to the bottom of the panel and Add section

  • Select Featured collection save

Now we can make adjustments to the following settings;

  • Top/bottom padding - this controls the ammount of whitespace above and below this section

  • Color scheme - pick a theme color profile to change the style of this section

  • Heading - this is optional and removed if the field is blank. You can change this text to something more meaninful i.e 'Best sellers' or 'Just arrived'

  • Pick a collection - this setting connects this section to products from a chosen collection and updates each product card dynamically

  • Products to show - You can control how many products to show in this section. By default this is set to 3, but can be increased to 12. If a collection has more than 3 products, you will see navigation controls that can be used to preview the next or previous product

  • Image ratio - Change the aspect ratio of images to be either square or adapt to image (this basically means the image will inherit the orginal aspect ratio of the uploaded image)

  • Show product rating - If you use a reviews app, you can show the ratings from customers of a particular product by enabling this setting.

Thats it, save your changes and your done!

Last updated