Collapseable content

Having an FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) section is a highly succinct way of organising sets of commonly asked questions and their respective answers which provide numerous advantages that include.

  1. Customer Convenience: FAQs make it easy for customers to find answers to common queries quickly without having to contact customer support or browse through multiple pages.

  2. Reduced Customer Support Burden: By addressing frequently asked questions in the FAQs, you can significantly reduce the volume of repetitive inquiries directed to customer support.

  3. Improved Customer Satisfaction: When customers can find answers to their questions promptly, they are more likely to be satisfied with their shopping experience.

  4. Educating Customers: FAQs can serve as educational tools, providing valuable information about products, services, shipping, return policies, and more.

  5. Reduced Cart Abandonment: FAQs can address common concerns that might lead to cart abandonment. When potential buyers find answers to their questions about payment options, shipping costs, or return policies, they are more likely to proceed with their purchase.

Getting Started

  • Go to Online storeTheme > Customise

  • By default, you will see you predefined list of sections

  • To add the FAQs section, scroll to the bottom of the panel and Add section

Configuring the Section

Here we can adjust the following;

  • Top/bottom padding- this will control the whitespace above and below this section

  • Upload image - pick a featured image to pair with the questions

  • Color scheme - pick a theme color profile to change the style of the section

  • Heading - Add a strong call to action to explain the section

How to add frequently asked questions?

By default, there are 5 FAQ blocks equalling is the block limit. You can remove blocks and also change the Heading and Answer for each block to customise the FAQ content visible on site.

Last updated