Banner with text

The Banner with text is a great section to add to show off eye-catching artwork/imagery with a call to action or tagline.

Getting Started

  • Go to Online storeTheme > Customise

  • By default, you will see you predefined list of sections

  • To add the Banner with text section, scroll to the bottom of the panel and Add section

Configuring the Section

Here we can adjust the following;

  • Top/bottom padding - adjust the spacing above and below this section

  • Upload or assign an image - by default a placeholder image wiill show until you upload and assign your own image

  • Banner height - Change the height of the image depedning on its size and style

  • Content alignment - Change the alignment of text to be left, center or right aligned

  • Content position - Change where the content will be positioned, either at the top, middle or bottom of the section

  • Heading - Add a strong Call to action

  • Subheading - Add a tagline

  • Caption - Add extra infomation, thih is optional

  • Button label - This could be something like "Explore", "Shop Now"

  • Link - Choose a page that you want to point to

  • Color scheme - You can pick a theme color profile that you want assign to this section

  • Background opacity - depending on the text color, change the image opacity

Last updated