Custom coding


Unless changes to your theme are required due to a reported and diagnosed bug or if scheduled features are released inline with Shopify updates, we are not able to make customisations to Machina on a per store basis.

Changes to your theme's appearance or functionality are made by changing to your theme's code, including:

  • Custom changes made by you, the merchant (such as by following tutorials to amend the theme)

  • Custom changes made by a developer

  • Installing (and uninstalling) public OR unlisted apps.

Duplicating your Theme before Adding Custom Code

Due to high risk nature of editing theme code-files, Shopify recommends duplicating your theme to create a backup copy before adding custom code, allowing you to start again if needed.

  1. Within your Shopify admin, go to Online Store → Themes.

  2. Select Brava, and click ActionsDuplicate.

We strongly recommend following Shopify's advice and duplicating your working theme just in case any new edits effect your live theme and the code.

Editing Your Theme Code using the Theme Editor

To alter your theme code, use your theme's code editor:

  1. Under Sales Channels with your Shopify admin, go to Online Store Themes.

  2. Select your theme.

  3. Click Actions, and select Edit Code from the drop-down menu.

Support for Code Customisations

Unfortunately we do not have the capacity to view, diagnose or fix any theme issues related to third-party coding customisations. When code is altered on your theme, our support team cannot view these changes.

Therefore, like all third-party theme developers, we are unable to provide coding customisations as per Shopify's official guidelines.

Last updated