Featured collection
Displaying featured collections as a seperate section, focuses a customer’s attention to a specific group of products within a chosen collection, encouraging more of an in-depth review of a specific range of products. If you are running a seasonal promotion, or need to raise awareness for any other reason for a specific group of products, this section can be very beneficial.
Getting Started
Go to
Online store
By default, you will see you predefined list of sections
To add the
Featured collection
section, scroll to the bottom of the panel andAdd section
Featured collection
Now we can make adjustments to the following settings;
Heading - this is optional and removed if the field is blank. You can change this text to something more meaninful i.e 'Best sellers' or 'Just arrived'
Pick a collection - this setting connects this section to products from a chosen collection and updates each product card dynamically
Products to show - You can control how many products to show in this section. By default this is set to 3, but can be increased to 12. If a collection has more than 3 products, you will see navigation controls that can be used to preview the next or previous product
Section layout - Here you can switch the sections width between Full width (edge-to-edge) or Content width (with whitespace) depednign on your website style
Product card - Change the aspect ratio of images to be either square or adapt to image (this basically means the image will inherit the orginal aspect ratio of the uploaded image)
Show product rating - If you use a reviews app, you can show the ratings from customers of a particular product by enabling this setting.
Thats it, save your changes and your done!
Last updated