
The 'Icons' section enables you to show image icons on your homepage and all other pages with the introduction of Online Store 2.0, which allows to to use sections everywhere.

This is a great feature if your products have been featured on blogs, TV, YouTube etc. You could use this section to also display stockists who carry your product. Both these approaches could help enhance brand credibility and trust; two extremely useful components when it comes to conversions.

Getting Started

This section is versitile as it allows you to show icons with text, just text or icons only.

The settings of this section allows you to add a title and description, which designed to introduce the section. This is important because the logos you use may be for an 'As Featured In' marketing campaign or could simply be brands that you sell on your store.

Enable icons

By default, icons are blank until you upload your media. Icons can also be left blank if you prefer to show call-to-action messages such as 'Free Shipping over $100' or '30 Day Returns Policy'

Section layout

Similar to other sections, you can change the width of this content block to Full width (edge-to-edge) of the screen or Content width edge, which provides addtional white space on the left and right of the section.

You have a maxiumum of 3 blocks, so we would suggest only using 1 row and choose between 2 or 3 icons.

Remember, you can use the 'Icon' section multiple times on the same page, this may be a better option if you have many logos to show, that way you can drag and drop this section to other parts of the page to breakup content for better visibility.


Each icon is a block, meaning you can drag and drop to change the order of each icon.

To change the content of each icon, click on block labelled 'Icons', this will allow you to upload your icon image. We recomend using .png image format and a max size of 50px x 50px.

Last updated